It was in the earliest days of Brell Serilis, as the mists of creation were
still only grudgingly retreating from the face of the newest incarnation of
the world of Norrath, that a young, yet determined band of adventurers came
together in a spirit of fellowship and cooperation. Knowing they were far
more powerful together than alone, and under the leadership of a young
Enchantress named Aluria, they swore allegiance to one another and forged a
union that would be known as the Twilight Marauders. Soon others heard the
call and wished to add their strengths, both body and mind, to the cause.
Sadly, some fell away, yet most remained and the power of the Marauders grew.
That power would be sorely tested, however, as a mighty storm approached. A
storm that would tear at the fabric that was the guild, threatening its very
Many were lost during this period of tribulation, and some of those that
remained feared there may be no recovering from this disaster. But the spirit
that founded the guild was still alive and it would not accept defeat. Like
some mythical beast rising from its own ashes, the Twilight Marauders rose
above the wreckage left by the storm with but one thought, one goal in mind;
a return to their former glory. Though now tattered and battle scarred, the
banner of the Twilight Marauders still proudly flew over the lands of
Norrath, and adventurers and travellers of all races and creeds flocked to
its call. A call that had come to be more than just one of fellowship, but of
| As the guild grew, alliances were struck with other guilds, the hand of
friendship extended to those outside the family. Among those returning this
hand of friendship was another family known as Crimson Rebellion. Founded on
the same principles as the Marauders, the two guilds saw much to admire in
one another, and their union became strong. This union would serve them both
well, as the ship of the Rebellion was soon to hit the same turbulent, storm
tossed seas that had so nearly sent the Marauders to the bottom.
Literally reborn as Crimson Rebirth, the survivors bravely tried to salvage
what they could. But the task was daunting, and they soon turned to their
allies, the Twilight Marauders, with a request; they sought a merger. A union
between these two great houses would benefit them both, it was reasoned. The
Marauders would gain seasoned adventurers ready and willing to lead their new
brothers and sisters to places that, perhaps, they had never been able to go
before, and the Rebellion would gain a new home and a strong family that
shared their ideals. The Marauders opened their arms in welcome, and accepted
their new comrades into their hearts and into their family.
Thus, the two noble guilds joined and the result was a reinvigorated Twilight
Marauders. More powerful than it had ever been before. More powerful, even,
than those who created it had dared dream it could become. One of the oldest
of the old guilds, now too, one of the most mighty, the Twilight Marauders
were finally ready to take their rightful place in the pantheon of guilds of
Brell Serilis. Time to step to center stage, time to look out upon the
numberless and infinitely varied faces of their fellow citizens and proudly
"We are the Twilight Marauders!"