Charter The Twilight Marauders are a group of people
bound together by the common ideals of “We are a guild that
stands by our members, always striving to provide teachings and
of Conduct All members of the Twilight Marauders pledge
to follow the Code of Conduct to the best of their ability. 1)
everyone, guild members and others, with courtesy and respect 2)
disagreements between members are to be kept private between individuals
and off guild chat, save when an officer is needed to intervene. 3)
member’s item distribution, though encouraged to stay within the
guild, is at that member’s sole discretion. 4)
items found on a guild raid. First
choi ce will be given to a suitable class participating in the raid. 5)
donated within the guild are to stay within the guild except at
the original owners discretion. 6) All members are encouraged to master a craft skill to benefit the guild. Other members are expected to pay the cost of materials for any crafted items plus a reasonable gratuity to cpensate the craftsman.
Site Created and Maintained by Sybok,Talsin and Braveclaw